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The lesser-known hospital heroes

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CSSD and Decontamination departments are vital for a functional hospital

Sterilisation and decontamination departments often sit in the basements of hospitals, where their teams work seven days a week to make sure those instruments are cleaned to the most exacting standards and are ready for use – allowing the flow of patients and procedures to carry on unhindered. They may not get the ‘glory’, but their absence would certainly cause serious consequences for any hospital.

A recent journal article published by the Crisis Response Journal explores the potential challenges these departments can face.

The full article is available to read at: https://www.crisis-response.com/Articles/593214/The_lesser_known.aspx

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Модульний CSSD, встановлений у Брів-ла-Гайард, Франція

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

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[email protected]