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Q-bital provides mobile room unit to University Hospitals of Morecombe Bay NHS Foundation Trust in the UK

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Q-bital stuðningur 24 vikna endurbótaáætlun

A UK medical technology company is helping a hospital trust continue to deliver orthopaedic procedures during a planned refurbishment of one of its operating rooms, as well as reduce waiting times for patients.

Gloucester-based Q-bital Healthcare Solutions is working alongside University Hospitals of Morecombe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) to provide a mobile laminar flow operating room at Westmorland General Hospital in Kendal, UK.

Designed and built by Q-bital, the mobile room provides an anaesthetic room, operating room, two bed first-stage recovery area, staff changing room and utility areas. Q-bital are also constructing a corridor and ramps to ensure a seamless journey for the patient from the main body of the hospital to the unit.

The unit is expected to be on site for 24 weeks while refurbishment is carried out from December.

The room has been commissioned before the refurbishment work started to help the hospital improve patient waiting times for elective orthopaedic procedures.

Simon Squirrell, Q-bital Senior Account Manager for the region, explained: “We are delighted to be working alongside University Hospitals of Morecombe Bay NHS Foundation Trust in this important project.

“Working alongside Deepak Herlekar, clinical lead of trauma and orthopaedics at UHMBT, we have made sure the room meets all clinical needs.”

Kate Maynard, Director of Operations (Hospitals) at UHMBT said; “During the 2018/19 financial year UHMBT will invest £19million capital funding into improving patient areas. As part of this £1.9 million will be spent upgrading a room at Westmorland General Hospital (WGH).

“There are four rooms at WGH and the team care for around 400 patients each month, covering a range of specialities including orthopaedics, ophthalmology, general surgery, and urology.

“On 3 December 2018, a major refurbishment started in room two which will see it equipped with a state-of-the-art air handling and filtration system and become a modern environment for patients.

“During the refurbishment room capacity will be maintained with the use of a temporary Q-bital room located at the back of Westmorland General Hospital. This temporary unit will be in place until April 2019 while room two is upgraded.”

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Eining 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
