While the construction of large scale, temporary field hospitals is getting most of the headlines at the moment, a huge amount of work is also going on behind the scenes at existing hospitals worldwide to improve resilience, and in some cases Q-bital’s fleet of мобилни здравствени установи have played a key role.
Низ целиот свет, од болниците беше побарано да го ослободат капацитетот со отпуштање на пациенти кои не се критични и со прекин на сите планирани и изборни процедури за да се подготват за очекуваниот скок на приеми поврзани со коронавирус.
Many hospitals have needed to repurpose internal space and redeploy resources in various ways in order to free up areas within the hospital for Coronavirus infected patients. However, converting existing space into a ward or a facility suitable for this purpose is not necessarily that straightforward or quick to do. Above all, it has required careful planning, taking the entire hospital’s facilities and resources into account.
Responding to the challenge
Although rules have in some cases been relaxed to enable temporary hospitals, wards and other facilities to deployed quickly, property teams that want to convert an existing facility into a temporary Covid-19 ward to house intubated patients, will need to follow official guidance. For example, when identifying suitable locations within hospitals, existing traffic flows need to be considered, and any through routes for non-Coronavirus traffic avoided. Logistical flows, clean and dirty waste management must also be taken into consideration.
Another key requirement is for adequate ventilation and extraction, since the high number of ventilators in use could enrich the air with oxygen, thereby increasing the combustion risk. A range of other planning considerations must also be considered, such as fire safety given the change in layout and use, particularly if construction work is required to convert the space. As well as connections for medical gas and oxygen, bed spaces also need additional connections and space around them for equipment that is used intermittently in the bed area.
In some countries, such as the UK, it is recommended that a designated self-contained area or wing of the healthcare facility should be used for the treatment and care of patients with Coronavirus. This area should ideally have a separate entrance and exit and should not be used as a thoroughfare by other patients, visitors or staff, including patients being transferred and staff and visitors entering and exiting the building.
Using flexible healthcare solutions
As Q-bital’s mobile rooms и одделенија are self-contained units, they are particularly suited for treating infected patients that require isolation, or for providing critical surgery or treatment away from Covid-19 areas of the hospital. In addition, they already meet most of the relevant standards so can be rapidly repurposed to provide additional bed spaces.
However, what has emerged in recent weeks is that hospital managers with a mobile room, treatment facility or ward already on site are seeing this unit as a vital extension of their own clinical estate and as key to Coronavirus capacity planning within the hospital. The additional external capacity of the unit has allowed some hospitals to better choreograph their changes across the estate as a whole in order to provide uninterrupted care for patients in a situation that is changing daily.
In recent weeks, Q-bital’s fleet of mobile wards, operating rooms and апартмани за ендоскопија have been repurposed in a number of different ways as part of hospitals’ Coronavirus planning, as part of their overall plan to increase resilience. The resulting solution and the eventual use of the mobile facility has depended on each hospital’s individual requirements, the position of the unit within each site, and its proximity to certain departments.
Emergency surgery and essential treatment
Since speed is of the essence, hospitals are being encouraged to identify the areas that can be converted effectively with a minimum of modifications, such as existing wards, rooms and catheterisation labs, including preparation and scrub areas. Because of the requirement for piped medical gases and additional oxygen, many hospitals are finding that the optimal site for adding Covid-19 capacity is within an existing operating room department.
As a result, a number of hospitals that already have a mobile room or ward on site are using the facility to decant existing internal surgical or clinical space. Examples of procedures that are now being undertaken in Q-bital’s mobile units include emergency surgery, urgent care such as cancer treatment, and the treatment of trauma patients.
One hospital is using their operation room for urgent plastics work and dermatology, while another is using theirs for emergency obstetrics. Key to this has been the flexibility of these facilities in that they can be repurposed very quickly, depending on the desired use.
Another advantage is the mobile nature of the units, since they can relatively easily be relocated where they are needed the most. In Scotland, for example, one Health Board is considering relocating their mobile room to another hospital site within the same Board where the need is greater.
COVID-19 and patient isolation
A mobile or modular ward could be converted into a Level 1 respiratory support ward, while mobile operating rooms have to potential to be repurposed as HDU or ITU wards or be used for procedures and treatments that benefit from the additional isolation.
Some units are also used to isolate patients who are showing suspected Coronavirus symptoms but are awaiting further assessment. One major regional hospital has repurposed their mobile facility temporarily as a surgical observation suite to help alleviate pressures in other areas of the hospital, while others are using mobile rooms and wards for critical day surgery, in order to keep patients away from Covid-19 zones within the main hospital.
Added flexibility
Because these mobile healthcare facilities already meet most of the relevant standards, they can be repurposed to accommodate a change of use as the situation changes, whether that is adding ITU bed spaces or additional treatment capacity, without facing many of the usual problems associated with converting an existing facility or constructing a new building or department.
Some hospitals have identified the need for additional space for other purposes, for example, to support staff by providing much needed rest areas, or providing changing facilities that need to be located separately either from infected or non-infected patients.
In many cases, the experienced clinical support staff working on the external unit have also been redeployed, either within the unit or in other areas of the hospital, including Covid-19 zones, to provide support to the hospital where it is needed the most. Should a converted room be required for increasing surgical capacity, it can then very rapidly be repurposed back into a fully staffed operating room.
Future capacity
It is inevitable that once the immediate crisis is over, patients will face long waiting lists for procedures that have been postponed or cancelled during the crisis. Therefore, a number of hospitals are already considering how to deal with the expected surge in demand for surgery, diagnostics and various forms of treatment.
It makes sense to plan ahead for the use of flexible healthcare facilities that can be deployed quickly to provide additional capacity and improve resilience within hospitals, and which can be removed or relocated when no longer required to continue to provide support where it’s needed the most.
Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD