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Het leveren van onmiddellijke respons en herstel op de lange termijn: effectief samenwerken in rampenbestrijdingszones

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We zijn verheugd dat we in het nieuwe jaar een rondetafelevenement op hoog niveau mogen organiseren, gericht op het stimuleren van de samenwerking tussen organisaties die werkzaam zijn in de rampenbestrijdingssector.

The event - 'Delivering immediate response and long-term recovery: effective partnering in disaster relief zones' – will be taking place in London in January.

The roundtable will bring together a range of leading figures from organisations working to deliver vital support across disaster relief zones worldwide. The event will provide the opportunity to showcase first-hand perspectives of delivering disaster relief efforts and consider how greater partnership, collaboration and coordination in response and recovery can be fostered.

With expert speakers from the British Red Cross, the Crisis Response Journal and with more to be announced, the event will focus on promoting best practice and partnership in the field.

To register your interest, please contact [email protected]

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Eenheid 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
