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Naam Young Medical gaat veranderen in Q-bital Healthcare Solutions

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Young Medical joined Q-bital Healthcare Solutions in early 2020 and over the past year and a half, our team have come together and are producing even bigger and more complex solutions for our clients with recent installations including a four operating room surgical centre and an Interventional radiology room suite.

Jonge Medisch joined Q-bital Healthcare Solutions in early 2020 and over the past year and a half, our team have come together and are producing even bigger and more complex solutions for our clients with recent installations including a four operatiezaal surgical centre and an Interventional radiology room suite.

Our teams now all work together on a daily basis to deliver clinical infrastructure and knowledge with the speed you need to extend capacity, control the clinical pathway, and provide uninterrupted patient-focussed care.

We have decided that now is the time to consolidate our brands and will therefore be discontinuing the Young Medical name and will now trade as Q-bital Healthcare Solutions.

All the quality products and service you know from Young Medical will continue to be available through Q-bital Healthcare Solutions.

We look forward to continuing to work with our clients on new and innovative projects. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to email [email protected]

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Eenheid 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
